

He aha te Viton®?

Ko Viton® te waitohu reihitatanga o te fluoroelastomer na te kamupene Dupont. Kei te mohiotia ano te rauemi kofluoroelastomer/ FPM/ FKM. He nui te atete ki te wahie, hinu, matū, wera, ozone, waikawa. Kei te whakamahia nuitia i roto i te aerospace, automotive, semiconductors, hinu hinu.

He rereke nga tohu mo te Viton®, te karaehe A, B, GBL, F, GF, GLT, ETP.

Ko te Viton®A he copolymer ka taea te rongoa bisphenol, ko nga tohu whanui e mohiotia ana ko A361C,A401C, Ko te A601C he copolymer kua whakauruhia ki te rongoa, me te A200, A500 kaore he rongoa.

Ko te Viton®B he bisphenol curable terpolymer, ko nga tohu whanui ko B601C, B651C.

Ko te karaehe Viton®GBLperoxide fluoroelastomer whakaora, me te koeke GF he taumata teitei o te waikura ihirangi fluorine.

Ko te kōeke Viton®GLT he kōeke ātete pāmahana iti fkm.

Ko te Viton®ETP te taumata ahuru fkm.

FUDI supply above all equivablent grade fluoroelastomers. Please feel free to contact us by www.fudifkm.com and sales@fudichem.com. Doris Xie is the marketing manager 0086-18683723460.


Wā tuku: Hūrae-19-2022